Let's sit, set the time and clasp hands
I give you the first move, you are the white queen
Don't worry about the old clock
Respect him and he will be nice to you
I know this is your first time
I can feel by your pawns out of line
You think, your hand freezes over a piece
I look at you with a humble smile
You stop, breathe and think more for a while
It surprises me how innocent is your first draft of strategy
Under attack, you no more run away
Like a mom trying to feed all her children before school time
You protect all your little pawns
You may think I do not play for real
How you dare to move a wall of pawns against me
I play for no title, no prize
except the taste of a battle with your mind
You've come so far, dear Oksana
My king is alone against a sharp rook
You don't know, but at school I was a good runner
Ah cherry, believe you or not, I got a draw from you
- Abudih Abudah